Security Service / Close Protection Services

Security Aware Drivers

Our in-house Sterling Service Chauffeurs are not all trained Security Drivers

We are very ‘Security Aware’ and comfortable working with CP’s knowing what they expect from us and comfortable in what we expect from them to let us do our best job for you

This combination works best when Driver and CP can work as a professional team

They both have a role to play and work as a much better team when each know what is expected of each other

A Driver/CP team can operate more efficiently in the event of being compromised where they can both concentrate on their respective responsibilities.

We can broker CP services upon request*

Protection and Security Services

Talent / Personal / Product / Valuables

Sterling Service can provide Security Services* for the protection of your talent, yourself, your family, your valuable personal belongings, your valuable products and assets

We can look after your Team, we can look after your Artist

Whether on location or in transit
we can look after your most valuable assets;

all to protect your investment/return

* these services are not in-house Sterling Service services
they are brokered through Security Service Providers who work at the highest level